2023-09-10 | Vestia Zeta | 【Tricky Towers】zeta (tricky) + kaela (tower) - YouTube | 4351 | 4 | 0 | 2,641 | 4,601 |
2023-09-10 | Ceres Fauna | 【SUPERCHAT CATCHUP】 Buckle up, Sapling, we're reading a bunch of superchats today! - YouTube | 3755 | 31 | 78 | 0 | 53,410 |
2023-09-10 | Watson Amelia | 【CS:GO】GIVE the CS2 NOWWWW?2️⃣?2️⃣?2️⃣?2️⃣ - YouTube | 4626 | 3 | 1 | 15,052 | 17,012 |
2023-09-10 | Koseki Bijou | 【STARFIELD】Space Rock! - YouTube | 7777 | 64 | 188 | 126,067 | 249,547 |
2023-09-10 | FUWAMOCO | 【MEMBERS ONLY】you and us, it's battle plan time ? - YouTube | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2023-09-10 | FUWAMOCO | 【FUWAMOCO ROCK N' RAWR PARTY】jammin' to the anime classics ♪ - YouTube | 22307 | 112 | 81 | 573,712 | 668,282 |
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2023-09-10 | Shiori Novella | SoS: A Wonderful Life | MARRIAGE SPEEDRUN (Spoiler Alert) - YouTube | 5214 | 0 | 0 | 324,378 | 324,378 |
2023-09-10 | Mori Calliope | 【ARMORED CORE VI】The Lights in the Sky Are Stars (FINALE) - YouTube | 6984 | 63 | 193 | 0 | 125,440 |
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2023-09-10 | 癒月ちょこ | - YouTube | 3357 | 8 | 6 | 2,570 | 9,430 |
2023-09-10 | 大空スバル | 【#18】ペルソナ5 ザ・ロイヤルやるしゅばあああああああああああああああああああああああ!!!!: P5R【※ネタバレあり】 - YouTube | 24155 | 18 | 10 | 157,562 | 171,282 |
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2023-09-10 | Moona Hoshinova | 【Minecraft】Ah... auto sorter? here we go again....【holoID】 - YouTube | 2772 | 7 | 20 | 16,115 | 29,345 |
2023-09-10 | Kaela Kovalskia | 【Tetris 99】lets play with some colorful blocks【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 - YouTube | 2663 | 6 | 5 | 29,670 | 35,060 |
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2023-09-10 | 白上フブキ | 【#キミ家ツアー】キミの家が見たい!! エオルゼアハウジングツアー【FF14】 - YouTube | 10963 | 61 | 0 | 2,214 | 32,104 |
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2023-09-10 | 博衣こより | 【IQテスト】頭脳~!のIQ大公開!?????????【博衣こより/ホロライブ】 - YouTube | 17599 | 15 | 21 | 74,569 | 92,209 |
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2023-09-10 | 雪花ラミィ | Live2D Ver3.0お披露目会!(30分枠)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 - YouTube | 18531 | 145 | 36 | 457,476 | 546,166 |
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2023-09-10 | Ayunda Risu | 【Holocure】Chilling Time ~【Ayunda Risu】 - YouTube | 2583 | 19 | 194 | 7,399 | 111,769 |
2023-09-10 | 雪花ラミィ | 【メンバー限定】寝る前にゆるくお話【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 - YouTube | 977 | 117 | 0 | 11,967 | 69,297 |
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2023-09-10 | 癒月ちょこ | 【Only Up】悪魔の挑戦!クリア目指す!【ホロライブ/癒月ちょこ】 - YouTube | 4353 | 10 | 1 | 16,638 | 22,028 |